Here is the list of the top 10 Buyers’ countries of 0703 Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled to export.
This list contains the top ten countries that have imported 0703 Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled the most along with the valuation of 2021 in USD thousands.
This way we are trying to help you to get on the correct track of Exports and Select only the best products for a particular country.
Here is the list of all 10 Valuationwise Countries as we have shown you in the video:
- Singapore 10225
- Oman 12377
- Viet Nam 15603
- Qatar 18159
- Indonesia 24316
- Nepal 34548
- Sri Lanka 58125
- United Arab Emirates 69457
- Malaysia 102442
- Bangladesh 144528
Here is the list of all 10 Valuationwise Countries as we have shown you in the video:
- Bahrain 4621 6226 35%
- Singapore 7116 10225 44%
- Malaysia 69283 102442 48%
- Slovenia 72 115 60%
- United Arab Emirates 42835 69457 62%
- Qatar 10283 18159 77%
- Indonesia 12436 24316 96%
- United States of America 358 855 139%
- Viet Nam 6320 15603 147%
- Oman 4903 12377 152%
This video is a great example of highly valuable and crucial information that will help anyone who is a beginner or just started and getting their first few deals closed.
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